Why are some products not available yet?
We are in the process of updating our store. Please message us for faster inquiries.

Which countries are available for shipment?
United States, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom

What about other countries?
Please contact us for more information regarding shipping to your country.

How long does the shipment take?
Around 2 - 3 weeks.

Which destinations have been confirmed as not available for shipment?
POBOX / APO / FPO / DPO address, Brunei Darussalam, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Tajikistan, Jordan, Vanuatu


How can I track my order?
We will send you the tracking code via email, you can check it later at :


Returns and Exchanges Policy

  • If you have received incorrect items or if any items are missing, we will send the correct ones right away.
  • If the items are damaged during shipping, please contact us for more details.
  • If the order has not arrived for a long time due to an incorrect or incomplete address, as well as an invalid phone number, we cannot resend the items.
  • If the package is lost despite having the correct address, we will resend the order. The order is considered lost if it has not arrived within 3 months from the day it was shipped.


Any other question?
Please contact us or or email to fpsmoe.project(at)gmail.com